Georgian cuisine is so elegant and so varied, the base of ingredients used is so extensive that it is often very difficult to determine which group (meat, flour, vegetable … ..) this or that dish belongs to. For our foreign guests, and indeed for gourmets, we present a description of the main dishes and ingredients of the Georgian national cuisine.
Georgian meat dishes
Atsetsili (აწეწილი) – chicken with eggplant. The cooking method is especially worth noting: chicken breast and vegetables are not cut with a knife, but are torn by hand into fibers. Vegetables are pre-baked in the oven, which also significantly affects the taste of the salad.
Bozbashi (ბოზბაში) – dish based on lamb broth, seasoned with various vegetables. The soup is very tasty and rich. Herbs and spices add a spicy flavor and incredible aroma to the dish.
Garo (გარო) – chicken dish with peanut sauce. This dish can be prepared separately by making a garo sauce and pouring it over fried chicken or baked turkey. It turns out very tasty and spicy.
Jigari (ჯიგარი) – roast veal liver (heart or kidney) with herbs, Georgian spices and garlic. Translated in Georgian, Jigari means “entrails”.
Qababi (ქაბაბი) – same Turkish kebab, only in Georgian. Elongated cutlets, sprinkled with onions and sumac (such a spice), wrapped in flat bread lavash (or without it).
Kaisa (კაისა) – exclusively Adjarian dish. In terms of composition, these are veal, mushrooms, onions, sour cream, cilantro and the Khmeli-Suneli seasoning, which is popular in Georgian cuisine. Served in a clay pot.
Kaurma (ყაურმა) – hearty dish made from beef heart and liver. The by-products are first boiled in wine with the addition of water or broth, and then fried with onions and stewed in gravy with spices until cooked.
Abkhazura (აფხაზურა) – cutlets from fatty minced meat with pomegranate or barberry, wrapped in a stuffing box. They are usually fried over a fire or in a pan. a delicious dish both hot and cold.
Kupati (კუპატი) – prepared from premium chopped pork, high-quality lard and spices. They are first boiled and then fried. Pork intestines, cleaned according to all the rules, are used as a shell.
Kuchmachi (კუჭმაჭი) – tasty dish, despite the fact that it is quite spicy. Most often, chicken heart and liver are used for its preparation. Onions and pomegranate seeds are also required ingredients.
Lori (ლორი) – Rachin homemade ham. Produced in limited quantities. Lori is prepared in different ways and added to different dishes. A few grams of Lori is enough and the taste of the dish changes radically.
Mujuji (მუჟუჟი) – specially prepared jellied meat from pork legs. In Georgian Mujuji, not only legs can be used, but also tails, ears, as well as pork pulp, which is cooked separately and then added to the general dish.
Mtsvadi (kebab) (მწვადი) – prepared from various types of meat. Its peculiarity is that the meat is not pickled. In Georgia, they don’t like marinade very much, believing that it interrupts the taste of meat, so they just salt and pepper the barbecue during the cooking process.
Ojakhuri (ოჯახური) – roast meat with potatoes and spices, which is cooked and served in a traditional Georgian frying pan – Ketsi. It can be prepared from any type of meat, but most often Ojakhuri is made from pork.
Ostri (ოსტრი) – traditional Georgian meat stew with the addition of pickled cucumbers. Like many Georgian stews, the spikes are stewed in tomato sauce with herbs and spices. Serve hot with lots of onions and greens.
Satsivi (საცივი) – is made from poultry, most often chicken. The sauce is made from finely grated walnuts with the addition of spices and hot broth. Then the poultry pieces are poured with the resulting sauce and insisted in the cold for several hours.
Tabaka (ტაბაკა) – chicken cooked under oppression (Tabaki). The chicken carcass is cut along the breast and opened. Next, the chicken carcass should be seasoned with salt, pepper, and greased with crushed garlic. Chicken tobacco is fried in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.
Tolma (ტოლმა) in Georgian is a dish in which the filling is wrapped in grape leaves and then stewed. One of the most popular filling options is minced meat and rice. Georgian Tolma differs in that it is more pungent and spicy.
Kharcho (ხარჩო) – thick beef soup with rice, spices, herbs, garlic and tkemali (dried plums). Sometimes Kharcho is made from pork or lamb, but beef is still considered the traditional meat. The soup is often served very spicy.
Megrelian Kharcho (მეგრული ხარჩო) – prepared from veal, walnut and tomato paste with the addition of dry white wine. As seasonings are: cilantro, young coriander, saffron and Khmeli-Suneli. Not to be confused with kharcho soup – these are two completely different dishes.
Chakapuli (ჩაქაფული) – meat stew with a lot of herbs and local spices. As a rule, lamb is used as meat, and tarragon, cilantro, as well as white wine and sour plums are added from the spices.
Chanakhi (ჩანახი) – the main ingredients in Chanakhi are lamb, potatoes, eggplants, onions and, of course, seasonings. Despite the fact that the only true meat for him is lamb, now they also cook from pork and beef.
Chakhokhbili (ჩახოხბილი) – dish of beef or lamb, but more often from poultry (usually chicken). Most suitable for him is young meat of good body condition, with fat
Chashushuli (ჩაშუშული) – beef dish(veal) meat with a lot of hot pepper. This dish is prepared in its own juice, which provides it with a unique taste, very soft and spicy at the same time.
Chirbuli (ჩირბული) – scrambled eggs cooked in tomato-based walnut sauce, with onions, garlic, herbs and traditional Georgian spices. The dish turns out to be very satisfying, rich and aromatic. To prepare Chirbuli, ketsi clay pans are used.
Chkmeruli (ჩქმერული) – traditional Georgian chicken dish. The secret of the extraordinary taste of chkmeruli is in a thick creamy garlic sauce in which pre-fried chicken is baked.
Shilaplavi (შილაფლავი) – Georgian pilaf, it is prepared from round grain rice and lamb, offal or even mushrooms. The consistency is thinner than that of classic pilaf. In Georgia, it is considered a memorial dish.
Yakhni (იახნი) – beef dish , but the main ingredient is seasonings. It can be started after a light snack. It is cooked in “Kvabi” – an old ceramic dish. The dish is best eaten with Georgian bread “Shoti”. It also goes well with red wine.
Apokhti (აპოხტი) – Meskhetian jerky, usually made from lamb, beef, as well as goose and duck. Almost every Meskhetian family cooks it in winter. It is unusual and delicious.
Apokhti’s khinkali (აპოხტის ხინკალი) – prepared from Apohti. In its form and method of preparation, it differs from the usual Khinkali and is in no way inferior in taste. This is something incredible and a completely different dish.
Georgian fish dishes
Kalmakhi (კალმახი ) – Georgian river mountain trout. It is considered elite, not a mass meal. Kalmachi are grilled, charred, breaded in flour and cooked in oil until crisp. A perfect combination of fried Kalmakhi and pomegranate.
Sturgeon with nasharabi sauce (ზუთხი ბროწეულის წვენში) – the most popular form of serving sturgeon to georgia is sturgeon fried on a spit or on skewers. Served with Nasharabi sauce (pomegranate sauce). You can also find smoked Sturgeon (Satali) or boiled.
Fish with mushrooms and cheese (თევზი სოკოთი და ნიგვზით) – for cooking you need mushrooms and unsalted fatty soft cheese. Boiled potatoes seasoned with olive oil, salt and black pepper are suitable as a side dish.
Fish in Kindzmari (თევზი ქინძმარში) – Boiled fish marinated in cilantro sauce with garlic and vinegar. A wonderful Georgian dish of fish and special marinade. Any fatty fish can be used here, usually salmon, chum salmon or mackerel.
Fish in Nut Sauce (თევზი ნიგვზით) – Any white fatty fish is suitable for making the famous Georgian Satsivi. The fish dish is served cold, decorated with fresh herbs. It goes well with dry white wine.
Fish with Sulguni (თევზი სულგუნით) – delicious recipe for baking fish in foil, pre-soaking it in lemon juice and stuffing with slices of cheese. If there is no Sulguni, any cheese that you use to make Khachapuri is suitable. The fish is served hot.
Fish in puff pastry (თევზი ცომეულში) universal recipe for which the type of fish does not matter, because it will be very delicious and delicious anyway. And the crispy puff pastry crust, the aromatic fish filling – they all entice with smells during baking.
Fish in tomato sauce (თევზი ტომატის სოუზში) – for this dish, hake, pollock, notothenia and any other are used, with a minimum content of bones. The mixture of tomato sauce with vegetables should not be too thick; boiled water is added to liquefy the filling.
Trout in Georgian dough (კალმახი ცომეულში) – very tasty recipe for cooking fish. trout baked in the oven in the dough turns out to be very tasty, tender and aromatic. And visually, the dish turns out to be festive and very original.
Trout in Pomegranate Sauce (კალმახი ბროწეულის წვენში) – the tenderness of the trout allows you to cook it with different ingredients and experiment with the flavors of the fish. In turn, Pomegranate sauce, added to grilled trout, will make the dish extremely tasty and festive.
Tsotskhali (ცოცხალი) – The word “Tsotskhali” literally means live and does not mean fish, but the way of its preparation. In this dish, the most important thing is the herbs and sauces with which it is served. Tsotskhali can be either boiled or baked.
Chakhokhbili from fish (თევზის ჩახოხბილი) – Chakhokhbili in Georgia is one of the most popular national dishes, as a rule, it is prepared from chicken, but fish is no less tasty. An ideal side dish for a dish is boiled rice
Georgian vegetable dishes
Ajapsandali (აჯაფსანდალი) – fragrant dish of eggplants, tomatoes and sweet peppers, the cooking process of Ajapsandali is unusual in that all vegetables are first stewed separately, and then vegetables seasoned with spices, garlic and fresh herbs are stewed together
Eggplant with nuts (ბადრიჯანი ნიგვზით) – traditional Georgian dish, fried eggplant roulettes with nut filling. They can be pre-fried, and then rolled up, stuffed with walnuts. A very tasty dish, especially when it is infused a little.
Eggplant caviar (ბადრიჯნის ხიზილალა) – Georgian version of eggplant caviar, somewhat different from all others. For example, it doesn’t contain tomatoes, but instead contains pomegranate juice. In addition, walnuts, widely used in Georgian cuisine, are included in this dish.
Gandzili (Allium ursinum) (ღანძილი) – From boiled wild garlic, with the addition of sunflower oil and cilantro, an excellent dish is obtained. For cooking, use only small, very early wild garlic, harvested in February – early March.
Jonjoli (Staphylea) (ჯონჯოლი) – such an unusual name is a traditional Georgian appetizer, slightly reminiscent of sauerkraut. Jonjoli are pickled flowers that will appeal to lovers.
Ispanakhi (ისპანახი) – spinach is chopped to a paste consistency and mixed by hand. From the resulting mixture, you can mold a thick pancake and make a pattern of notches on it or roll balls with a depression inside – where the pomegranate is poured.
Kotrana (კოტრანა) – dish of truly Georgian origin. The main ingredient is cabbage, which is pre-salted and stopped, then chopped and seasoned with walnuts.
Nettle (ჭინჭარი) – Nettle takes its rightful place in Georgian cuisine. Usually it is cooked in the spring, when it just appears. In the villages, it can be cooked daily, and city dwellers are happy to buy nettles at the bazaars.
Mtsnili (მწნილი) – Georgian pickled vegetables. It is usually served as an appetizer to main courses and includes pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, Jonjoli, and cabbage.
Pkhali (ფხალი) – Georgian vegetable snack. There are many options for preparing Pkhali from a wide variety of ingredients: vegetables and spices. Pkhali is usually formed in the form of round cutlets and served with meat dishes as a snack.
Satatsuri (სატაცური) – simple salad of boiled asparagus and the usual Georgian mixture of walnuts, as always with cilantro and spices. Asparagus is known to be an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and despite its many benefits.
Lobio (beans) (ლობიო) – dish of the same name, cooked in a small earthen pot. In addition to beans, this dish must include dry red peppers and herbs. Some recipes use puree consistency, others leave the beans intact.
In addition to this recipe, lobio is prepared: Green lobio; Green lobio with meat; Lobio with stewed onions and eggs; Lobio with celery and leeks; Lobio in Alazani; Lobio with cinnamon and cloves; Lobio with tomatoes; Lobio with tomatoes and nuts; Cooked beans with herbs; Toasted Bean Pods; Lobio with wine vinegar and vegetable oil.
Herbal dishes: Nettle pkhali; Pkhali from beet tops; Pkhali from different herbs; Pkhali from young bean pods; Pkhali from wild garlic; Sorrel with nuts; Roasted pepper salad; Nettle with nuts; Mallow in Georgian; Stewed mallow leaves.
Mushroom dishes: khinkali of Mushrooms; Mushrooms with tarragon; Mushrooms cooked on ketsi; Stewed mushrooms with eggs; Champignons fried in Georgian style; Oyster mushrooms in Kakhetian style; Boiled mushrooms with nuts.
Georgian flour dishes
Achma (აჩმა) – Georgian puff pastry with cheese, prepared from a large number of layers of dough, which is pre-boiled. The main principle of Achma preparation is unsweetened dough and salty cheese. It is consumed hot.
Gomi (ღომი) – Hearty hot corn porridge with Sulguni. Georgian traditional dish, which is prepared in many regions of the country Gomi is traditionally prepared from a mixture of coarse and finely ground corn flour. Prepared in many regions of the country.
Gordila (გორდილა) – shepherd’s bread, which is a piece of boiled dough served with cheese and ghee. Traditional dishes of the high mountain region – Tusheti.
Meskhetian Kada (მესხური ქადა) – Kada is prepared in almost the same way as Khachapuri, only here is a slightly different dough. Unlike other varieties of this dish, Meskhetian should not be sweet. The filling is prepared with the addition of melted pork fat and flour.
Kotori (კოტორი) – tortilla with cheese that differs from the usual Khachapuri in a thin dough and in the original – a curd-butter filling, which now seems to be replaced with a cheese filling. Prepared in a pan. Traditional pastries of the high mountain region – Tusheti
Kubdari (კუბდარი) – Svan meat pie. Unlike Khachapuri and Lobiani, Kubdari is prepared from minced meat seasoned with Svan salt. It should be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Traditional pastries of the high mountainous region – Svaneti
Kumeli (ქუმელი) – roasted barley flour. Stirred only with water, produced in small pieces. Used in place of bread. High in calories. Traditional pastries of the high mountain region – Tusheti
Lobiani (ლობიანი) – resembling Khachapuri in shape, but instead of cheese, boiled beans are put in the filling. The very tender dough and the beans flavored with aromatic herbs make the taste of this dish very spicy. Prepared in many regions of the country.
Mamalyga (მამალიგა) – traditional Georgian corn porridge, which is served in Georgia both as bread and as a side dish. This is a simple, inexpensive, and healthy dish. Mamaliga is served in Georgia on a wooden board with slices of salted cheese.
Mosmula (მოსმულა) – pieces of boiled dough, similar to khinkali tails, are mixed with fried onions, eggs and cheese. Served with garlic sauce. Traditional dishes of the high mountain region – Tusheti
Olivier in Georgian (ოლივიე ქართულად) – special type of Olivier. It lacks meat and vegetables are chopped coarser than it is customary in other countries. Happens in chain canteens and often cooks at home.
Sinori (სინორი) – prepared from Naduga and thin slices of yeast-free dough. In Adjara, there are several rules for preparing this dish: sometimes grated cheese is poured into it, and sometimes melted butter is added after cooking.
Tatarberaki (თათარბერაკი) – Georgian version of the Atria. a dish of boiled dough pieces with fried onions. We can say that this is pasta, seasoned with stewed onions, garlic and, if desired, yogurt or other ingredients.
Khabizgina (ხაბიზგინა) – Ossetian round Khachapuri made from yeast dough stuffed with cheese and potatoes. There are different types of KLhabizgina with different fillings, herbs or cabbage.
Khavitsi (ხავიწი) – porridge made from wheat flour with ghee. Khavitsi is usually prepared after the birth of a child, primarily for a woman in labor, and guests are also treated to it. Traditional dishes from the regions – Adjara and Tusheti.
Khachapuri (ხაჭაპური) – Georgian national flour product, which is a flat cake with cheese. There are many types: Imeretian, Megrelian, Adjarian, Rachin … ..
Adjarian khachapuri (აჭარული ხაჭაპური) – in the form of a boat filled with cheese. Decorated on top with a raw egg and a slice of butter.
Khinkali (ხინკალი) – prepared from dough stuffed with minced meat. Minced meat is preferably prepared from a mixture of pork, beef and lamb in equal proportions, with the addition of greens and ground cilantro seeds.
Chakhrakina (ჭახრაკინა) – Kartlin Khachapuri with cheese and beet tops. Greens and leaves are added to the combination of cheese + dough, which immediately makes the dish very useful. Traditional pastries from the region – Kartli.
Chvishtari (ჭვიშტარი) – corn flour cakes stuffed with brine cheese. Classic Chvishtari is prepared with pickled cheese, but if you wish, you can replace it with regular hard cheese, cheese and even cottage cheese.
Elarji (ელარჯი) – Gomi corn porridge with the addition of a large amount of cheese, usually Suluguni. A properly cooked Elarji should be thick and elastic enough. Traditional dishes from the region – Samegrelo.
Georgian dairy foods
Borano (ბორანო) – according to the traditional recipe, this high-calorie dish is made from Adjarian Cheechili cheese and butter – the ingredients are stewed in Ketsi pottery. The Borano variant, which is an omelet with cheese, is also widespread in Adjara.
Gadazelili (გადაზელილი) – fresh or pre-soaked Imeretian cheese is cut into thin slices, dipped in hot milk and heated without boiling until a viscous mass is formed. Then the cheese is placed in a deep bowl and mixed with chopped mint.
Gebjaliya (გებჟალია) – delicate and delicious dish of Georgian cuisine. Traditionally, Gebjaliya is prepared with cottage cheese, which is sometimes replaced with a fermented milk product – yogurt. Gebjaliya can be made from Sulguni or Imereti cheese
Matsoni (მაწონი) – traditional fermented milk product similar to thick yogurt. Matsoni is used in Georgian cuisine for making dough for Khachapuri, as well as for preparing seasonings for various Georgian soups.
Kaimagi (კაიმაგი) – the prototype of the sour cream we are used to, but with its bright taste and consistency close to heavy cream. It is made from dairy products and is not only tasty, but also healthy food. The Georgians themselves use Kaimagi with cornmeal cakes and cheese.
Nadugi (ნადუღი) – traditional Georgian curd cheese. The dish of the same name is usually made from it, mixing cheese with mint and wrapping it in thin layers of Sulguni.
Chogi (ჩოგი) – Tushetian processed cheese made from fatty sheep’s milk. It is considered a type of Good cheese.
Tashmijabi (თაშმიჯაბი) – mashed potatoes with Imeretian cheese. They also call it “Elardzhi of Svan”. Prepared mainly in the Georgian region of Svaneti. By the way, Georgian cuisine in this region is best seasoned with Svan salt.
Erboharcho (ერბოხარჩო) – Georgian dish made from cottage cheese (Dambalhacho) melted in a pan with butter. Erboharcho is eaten with bread and fruit vodka. The dish comes from the Pshavi region.
Georgian soups
Artala (არტალა) – concentrated and aromatic soup. Artala is cut from the top of the hind leg of a beef carcass. Artala is useful for people with sore joints or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Gupta (ქუფთა) – large balls of minced meat in soup. They never go to restaurants, but they are quite common in home life. Convenience foods are often sold in stores. Craftsmen cook borscht with Gupta, Ajapsandali with Gupta, and generally anything with Gupta.
Kaisaphi (კაისაფი) – it is also called the Meskhetian Khashi. A simple, sour dish made from dried fruits with melted butter, plum jam and onions, it is very good for a hangover.
Mankhoshi (მანხოში) – summer marshmallow soup (Tklapi). One of the most common soups in this region. It cooks quickly, but it turns out very tasty and satisfying. Therefore, it is most often prepared during the period of active field work.
Supkharcho (სუპხარჩო) – soup with a unique sour-hot-spicy taste. The kharcho soup is made from beef, rice and Tklapi. (dried strips of plum puree from pitted and peeled traditional Georgian plum varieties – Tkemali).
Tatariakhni (თათარიახნი) – rich broth that is obtained in the process of boiling beef on the bones with the addition of carrots, onions, garlic and herbs. As a bouillon, it goes well with Shotis Puri bread.
Tutmadzhi (თუთმაჯი) – Matsoni soup with fried and boiled dough. It turns out that this dish is a Georgian (Meskhetian) version of a soup with pasta, visually very similar to Atria. Traditional soup from the Samtskhe-Javakheti region
Khashlama (ხაშლამა) – broth with a lot of boiled meat (beef or lamb) with herbs. It is mainly prepared in the eastern regions, especially in Kakheti and Kartli.
Khashi (ხაში) – soup with a consistency reminiscent of diluted jellied meat. It is brewed for a long time from beef leg and offal. Khashi is served with garlic and herbs. Favorite hangover cure.
Chikhirtma (ჩიხირთმა) – hearty soup usually prepared from chicken, cornmeal, eggs, herbs and spices. The eggs in the dish dissolve completely without curdling due to their oxidation with a small amount of citric acid.
Kharcho (ხარჩო) – traditional Georgian spicy beef soup with tomatoes, walnuts, garlic, herbs and tkemali sauce. It is typical for Samegrelo.
Shechamandi (შეჭამანდი) is a type of soups prepared from one main ingredient: spinach, mallow, garlic, dogwood, wheat, sorrel and others. Most popular in Kartli.
In addition to the above, Georgian cuisine has many other soups, such as: Kharcho with Tkemali; Kharcho with pomegranate juice; Sturgeon and stellate sturgeon kharcho with nuts; Lamb Bozartma; Chicken Bozartma; Bozartma from chickens; Bozbashi soup with eggplant and green beans; Bozbashi soup with meatballs; Shechamandi with Matsoni; Shechamandi with mushrooms; Shechamandi with dogwood; Shechamandi with nuts and spicy herbs; Walnut soup with onions; Lobio soup; Red bean soup; Mint soup; Pea soup with bacon; Batis shechamandi – Meskhetian goose soup .; Harshil – Svan soup made from barley and nettle or spinach; Puris Kharcho – Kartlin bread soup.
Georgian cheeses
Georgia produces a lot of interesting cheeses. Cheese in Georgian is called Kveli. The main types of Georgian cheese:
Guda (გუდა) – Georgian cheese made from sheep or goat milk, which matures for 20 days in a leather wineskin. The word guda is translated from Georgian – a bag. Guda comes from the Toucheti region ნ and.
Dambalhacho (დამბალხაჭო) – Georgian cheese with mold originating from Pshavi. It is usually served with chacha, zhipitauri or red wine. The Erbohracho dish is also prepared from Dambalhacho. Dambalhacho is considered one of the most ancient and expensive in Georgia.
Dampali kveli (დამპალი ყველი) – rare cheese similar to Camembert. Dampali kveli is white, with a mold crust and an oil filling inside. The name translated from Georgian means “rotten cheese”.
Imeretian cheese (იმერული ყველი) – fresh pickled cheese similar to the Adyghe cheese. Originally from Imereti. The local name is Chkinti Kweli or Imeruli Kweli.
Kalti (კალტი) – hard cheese in the form of balls of sweetish taste, which is prepared in the mountainous regions of Georgia. It is loved by shepherds for its nutritional value. Prepared by Kalti from Naduga.
Kobi (კობი) – mixed cheese made from cow’s or sheep’s milk, mostly eaten in eastern Georgia.
Kartuli (ქართული) – cheese made from cow’s milk (50% or more) and mixed sheep, goat or buffalo milk.
Narchvi (ნარჩვი) – Svan soft cheese that is usually spread on bread or used to make soups and sauces.
Sulguni (სულგუნი) – dense layered brine cheese made from cow or buffalo milk, originally from Samegrelo. Sulguni is the most famous Georgian cheese.
Tenili kveli (ტენილი ყველი) – Meskhetian cheese made from sheep’s milk in the form of very thin long threads. This species is even listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Tenili Kveli has the most sophisticated manufacturing technology.
Chechili (ჩეჩილი) – pickled cheese made from cow’s milk in the form of threads that are braided into a pigtail. The Adjarian Chechili and Meskhuri Chechili are distinguished.
Georgian sauces
Adjika (აჯიკა) – very hot sauce that uses red pepper, spices and garlic. Tomatoes have never been a part of real Georgian adjika.
Baje (ბაჟე) – the king of all sauces. It is Baje that Georgians serve on festive tables, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream. Prepare a sauce from a mixture of walnuts, spices and garlic. Ideal with meat and fish dishes.
Satsebeli (საწებელი) – delicious sweet and sour sauce, reminiscent of the usual ketchup. It contains: tomatoes, bell peppers and spices. Suitable for almost all dishes, especially meat and fish.
Green cherry plum satsebeli (მწვანე საწებელი) – Georgian, sweet and sour sauce, with a lot of spices. The taste of the sauce can be adjusted for yourself: make it less sour with sugar, if you like more spicy – add red pepper and garlic.
Pomegranate juice sauce (Nasharabi) (ბროწეულის საწებელი) – goes well with stewed chicken or fish. It is evaporated pomegranate juice with the addition of spices: sugar, coriander, basil, cinnamon, ground pepper and salt.
Cornelian sauce (შინდის საწებელი) – according to the recipe of Georgian cuisine, ideal with meat and fish dishes, poultry and vegetable side dishes. You can add this sauce as a seasoning to a kebab marinade.
Kindzmari sauce (ქინძმარი) – chopped Kinza, salt to taste and drenched in wine vinegar. The name of the Georgian sauce Kindzmari is formed by two words “Kinz”, ie cilantro and “Dzmari”, which means vinegar and literally translates as cilantro with vinegar.
Tkemali sauce (ტყემლის საწებელი) – owes its origin to Georgian cuisine: there it is a regular guest of any table. Tkemali goes well with almost everything: meat, fish, eggs, vegetables. It is prepared from the eponymous tkemali plums (cherry plums), various spices, herbs and garlic.
Tklapi (ტყლაპი) – sour thin marshmallow, which is obtained by drying mashed potatoes from boiled plums (cherry plums, thorns) or berries (dogwood). Usually Tklapi is used in the preparation of kharcho and other dishes of Georgian cuisine.
In addition to the above, Georgian cuisine has many other sauces, such as: Barberry satsebeli; Blackberry satsebel; Satsebeli made from green grapes; Walnut satsebeli; Pomegranate juice for meat and fish dishes; Pomegranate juice for boiled or fried fish dishes; Garlic sauce; Thorny sauce; Garo sauce; Garlic-vinegar sauce.
Georgian spices
Georgian spices cannot be imagined without mentioning popular mixes such as Khmeli Suneli, Uskho suneli, Svan salt, Adjika.
Svan salt (სვანური მარილი) – Table salt mixed with herbs and spices (pepper, saffron, Utskho Suneli, cumin, dill and garlic). An incredible seasoning that goes with literally everything from meat to vegetables.
Utskho Suneli (უცხო სუნელი) – blue fenugreek plant with blue clover-shaped flowers. This spice is often used in Baje and Ajapsandali. It gives the dish a nutty flavor.
Khmeli Suneli (ხმელი სუნელი) – spice – The full composition can include up to 12 ingredients, base – 6: red hot peppers, marjoram, coriander, dill, saffron and basil. It goes well with meat, fish and vegetables.
Gitsruli (გიცრული) – the name of the spice in the Svan dialect. An obligatory ingredient in the mix is Svan salt.
Herbaceous plants:
Begkondara (Tyme) (ბეგქონდარა) – plant is harvested mainly in the mountains. They use mainly leaves and flowers to add to various minced meat.
Coreander (ქინძი) – ground dried grains of Kinza seeds. We can say the main spice of Georgian cuisine. It is included in almost all dishes and mixes.
Zaprana(Tagetes) (ზაფრანა) – ground dried petals of marigolds. Included mainly in mixes. It has a rather neutral, although characteristic taste and aroma.
Kvliavi(Carum) (კვლიავი) – cumin. Only the seeds of this plant are used in Georgian cooking. An obligatory minced ingredient for Khinkali.
Kondari (Satureja)(ქონდარი) – savory. In Georgia, without it, it is impossible to imagine such famous dishes as Lobio, Kupaty, Abkhazura and Kuchmachi.
Red pepper (წითელი წიწაკა) – main ingredient in Adjika and the main seasoning for spiciness in Georgian cuisine.
Ombalo(Pennyroyal) (ომბალო) – flea mint. A must-have ingredient in Tkemali sauce. In winter, it can perfectly refresh Lobio with its aroma.
Parsley (ოხრახუში) – parsley is used for cold and hot sauces, vegetable salads and dishes made from cottage cheese and eggs. Serves for flavoring soups, broths, meat and fish dishes.
In addition to those listed, all these Georgian spices are used to a greater or lesser extent in the national cuisine of Georgia: Thai basil (რეჰანი); clove (მიხაკი); Mustard (მდოგვი); Ginger (ჯანჯაფილი); Cinnamon (დარიჩინი); Kohlrabi (კეჟერა); Garden cress (წიწმატი); Curcuma (კურკუმა); Leek (პრასი); Poppy (ყაყაჩო); Mint (პიტნა); Purslane (დანდური); Sassaparil (ეკალა); Celery (ნიახური);Glycyrrhiza (ძირტკბილა); dill (კამა); Fennel (ცერეცო); Horseradish (პირშუშხა); Sorrel (მჟაუნა).
Georgian bread
Madauri (მადაური) – Georgian lavashi. The dough contains only water, flour, salt and no yeast. Like Shoti, it is baked in the Tone clay oven at high temperatures, which makes it so soft and airy.
Mchadi (მჭადი) – Georgian corn tortillas popular in western Georgia, especially in Guria and Imereti. Locals love to use them with cheese.
Nazuki (ნაზუქი) – sweet and aromatic Georgian bread. They bake from the same dough as Puri (Lavashi) – based on water, flour, salt and yeast. It looks more like a bun, as it contains a large amount of spices and raisins.
Tonis Puri (თონის პური) – Georgian round flatbread, like a Kakhetian one, also baked in a special oven (ton). Tonis Puri is served with everyday food, but it is more commonly found at festivals.
Shotis Puri (შოთის პური) – traditional Kakhetian bread made. Sold as a long flat cake c. It is baked in special large floor ovens – Tone. The most appetizing warm with the addition of cheese.
Georgian desserts
Gozinaki (გოზინაყი) – in Georgia they are usually prepared for the New Year from crushed walnuts with honey.
Meskhetian Bakmazi (მესხური ბაქმაზი) – kind of sweetness, which is called honey in Meskheti. It is prepared from ripe fruits of Tut and used in dishes instead of honey. Especially tasty Gozinaki from Bakmazi.
Muraba (მურაბა) – variety of jam usually made from watermelon, quince, figs, walnuts and flowers (wild rose).
Pakhlava (ფახლავა) – in other countries there is also a similar dish, with almost the same name, however, Adjarian Baklava is sweet, with thin crunchy layers poured with sweet syrup. It needs to be made from dough, nuts, sugar and honey.
Pelamushi (ფელამუში) – dense jelly made from boiled grape juice with the addition of corn flour. It is used in the preparation of Churchkhela or served cold as an independent dish.
Tatara (თათარა) – Kakhetian version of Pelamushi, where wheat flour is used instead of corn.
Churchkhela (ჩურჩხელა) – for making Churchkhela, nuts are strung on a thread and dipped in a special solution of grape or other fruit juice with flour (Pelamushi). After the solution hardens, Churchkhela has something like a peel.
Chiri (ჩირი) – Georgian dried fruits, mainly dried persimmons, apricots, grapes, plums and figs.
Tapli’s Kveri (თაფლის კვერი) – Georgian honey cakes.
Shakarlama (შაქარლამა) – traditional Georgian shortbread cookies, often walnuts or almonds are added.