Arukhlo settlement (Region of Kvemo Kartli )
Arukhlo settlement (Georgian: არუხლოს გორა) – A Neolithic settlement and ritual site in Georgia. It is one of the earliest agricultural settlements and probably the oldest inhabited place in the whole of Georgia (V – IV millennia BC). The study of the Arukhlo settlement began back in the 70s of the last century. A joint international expedition discovered the dated VI millennium B.C., residential and economic structures, working tools made of stone, bone and horn, which is evidence that cattle breeding, farming and craftsmanship were already developed here during this period.
Especially noteworthy are the strangely shaped canals in the ancient settlement, the purpose of which is unknown to specialists at this stage due to their location.The stone industry is represented by numerous products. Among them are artifacts made of flint and obsidian: scrapers, chisels, piercers, numerous knife-like plates, there are also stone axes, chisels, anvils, hammers with a grooved intercept, oval and round grain grinders. Metal farming objects, a patterned tool made of split deer antler, a small female head figurine made of gravel, a clay figurine of a bull, bronze arrowheads, stone coffins, ruins of a bathhouse and dwellings, and various colored and common pottery were also found here.
Nakhiduri Village (Georgian: სოფელი ნახიდური), Municipality of Bolnisi (Georgian: ბოლნისის მუნიციპალიტეტი)