Abandoned village Burmakhevi (Burmasigi) (Region of Mtskheta – Mtianeti)
Abandoned village Burmakhevi (Burmasigi) (Georgian: ბურმახევის(ბურმასიგის) ნასოფლარი) – Historical monument, abandoned village on the left bank of the Tergi River (Georgian: თერგი), in the valley of Truso (Georgian: თრუსოს ხეობა), at the foot of the southern slope of the Khokhi Ridge (Georgian: ხოხის მთა). The settlement was located at a height of 2350 meters above sea level. The settlement was a combined complex of residential and defensive type, which included a main defensive tower and several residential towers, on the first floors of which there was a room for livestock. Yellowish-colored stones, which are found in the mountainous regions of Georgia, were used for the construction of buildings. This specific stone is found in rocky layers of volcanic rocks.
The main four-storeyed tower 12 meters high, which has 6 loopholes on the upper tiers, is located in the northern part of the village. The time of its construction is unknown. The tower was built with inter-storey ceilings and loopholes, through which, having one wooden ladder, it was possible to pass to the top tier. The rest of the dwelling towers had the following functions: the first floor for livestock, the second and third for the family, and the fourth for defense. In peacetime, the last one was usually used to receive guests. All towers were built on dry masonry. The territory of the village, as well as the entire Truso valley, borders with the historical part of Georgia – Dvaleti (Georgian დვალეთი).
Truso Valley (Georgian: თრუსოს ხეობა), Kazbegi Municipality (Georgian: ყაზბეგის მუნიციპალიტეტი)