Customs regulations in Georgia When entering and leaving the country is liable to the necessary declaring:
• Various jewelry, precious metals, stones, antiques, cultural values – Icons, paintings, sculptures. For their import or export must obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Culture. • Weapons of any type, bullets, ammunition, inflammable fluid, psychotropic drugs, poison and radioactive substances, high-frequency radio and electrical appliances, communication devices. • Cash amounting to more than 25 000 GEL (~ $ 14,000) and securities. Customs declaration can be completed in Georgian, English and Russian.
Customs regulations, acting when entering the country:
Import of foreign currency on the territory of Georgia is not limited, national – not more than 25 000 GEL. When importing GEL in the country in an amount of exceeding the specified limit, you must have documents indicating the origin of the currency. Imports without of duty alleged in the customs declaration: jewelry, objects and goods in an amount not to exceed the needs of personal use, as well as: • Imports of food products totaling at 500 lari (~ 280 $), weighing up to 30kg. • Things for personal use, not exceeding a weight of 100 kg. • Up to 200 cigarettes Any alcoholic beverages up to 2 liters, including wine or beer up to 10 liters.
For individuals is provided checkless import of the following items:
• Personal jewelry, • One camera, one video camera, a camera with appropriate films and batteries, • One pair of binoculars, • One musical instrument, • One recorder, one tape recorder, voice recorder, • One TV set, • One radio, • One cellular phone, • One personal computer, • One calculator, one common and one baby stroller, • One tent and other accessories of tent, • Sport equipments (fishing gear, a bike without an engine, a boat, etc.) • Clothes and footwear.
Not allowed to import alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to persons under 18 years.
Prohibited the import of the following objects and substances:
• Weapons and explosives (gunpowder, pyrotechnic facilities, fireworks, etc.) • Flammable substances (solvents, paints, lighters, etc.) • Solid and liquid chemicals, • Drug and narcotic med. drugs. • Literature, of tarnishing the state system, • All types of pornography, as well as some types of video.
Customs regulations, acting on leaving the country:
Allowed to export previously imported foreign currency during the year within one year from the date of entry, national – no more than 3 000 GEL. Export of wine and other alcoholic beverages is allowed only with packing of sealed factory. Unobstructed export of jewelry, declared when entering the country. Prohibited the export of objects of historical and cultural value, as well as abovementioned, that are prohibited for import of items recognized in international practice as <<dangerous>> • The above items, transportation, which is prohibited in international practice, • Fire-arms, • Any piercing and cutting items, knives, scissors, manicure accessories, nail files, daggers, swords, cork-screws, etc. • Perfume, shampoo, deodorant, hairspray, toothpaste, cosmetic substances, • Any liquids.
Be careful! When crossing the border should refrain from fulfilling requests of random people, who carry through the checkpoint strange things under the pretext of excess baggage, etc., and do not accept, including for a reward, for the transfer of letters from strangers, parcels, luggage and other items, which can be used as hiding places for illicit movement of drugs, explosive devices, poisonous substances and bacterial dangerous diseases.
For more information about customs regulations in Georgia you can apply to the customs office call by phone: (+995 32) 299 299 (hot line Customs Department).