Abastumani combines the advantages of a mountain-climatic and balneological resort. The mountain climate is the main natural healing factor of the Abastumani resort, favorable for climatotherapy practically throughout the year (walks, outdoor sleep, staying on special verandas and climatotherapeutic platforms). The air in Abastumani is exceptionally clear, transparent, saturated with pine aroma – the gorge and the surrounding mountains are covered with coniferous forests (mainly spruce, pine, fir).
The resort has significant reserves of thermal mineral waters (acroterms, 41–48 ° C) – hot springs of Abastumani were known in the XI century. According to the chemical composition of water, they are referred to nitrous sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium (mineralization 0.6 g / l). The daily production rate of three groups of sources (Bogatyrsky, Snake and Zolotushny) is 1 million liters. Abastumani mineral waters are used for bathing.
Balneological procedures are prescribed for comorbid diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic rheumatism, diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis), gynecological diseases, consequences of injuries, general exhaustion and weakness of the body. In Abastumani there are sanatoriums for patients with active forms of tuberculosis, including children; clinic, bathing building, etc. The resort operates all year round. Climatotherapy for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is carried out in combination with medical and, if necessary, surgical treatment.
Akhtala is a mud resort in Georgia. Located 122 km from Tbilisi, at an altitude of 412 m. Summer is warm (average July temperature is 23 ° C), winter is mild (average January temperature is 0 ° C); about 700 mm of precipitation per year. Season – all year round. Akhtala dirt is distinguished by its great colloidal content and contains iodine, bromine, lithium, and other elements uncharacteristic of mud of sedimentary origin.
Its feature is also the content of methane. Together with the dirt on the surface of the earth comes oil and gas. There is also mineral water with the same mineral content as pseudo-volcanic mud, but without its (mud) content. The temperature of the mud varies proportionally with the air temperature: the highest in August is 25 ° C and the lowest in December.
Balneological procedures are prescribed for diseases: Rheumatic – inflammatory arthritis, rheumatic polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylarthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, gout; Effects of poliomyelitis in children; Diseases of the joints and muscles; Diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system: sciatica, sciatica, post-traumatic conditions; Dermatological diseases: psoriasis, eczema; Gynecological diseases; Diseases of the genitourinary system: prostate, decreased function; Cicatricial diseases of the abdominal cavity.
Bakuriani is located at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level on the northern slopes of the Trialeti Range, not far from the famous resort of Borjomi and 180 km west of Tbilisi. In the XIX century, this blessed corner of the mountain nature was seen by the Russian royal family and elected to rest. The Romanov family has attracted an unusually friendly climate in Bakuriani, because there is almost always clear weather – the sun shines for more than 210 days a year. Winters in the local mountains are mild but cold. The temperature is kept at around 5-7 degrees below zero. Snow falls abundant, and the scenic slopes of the mountains are flat enough to enjoy skiing.
For the convenience of rest of the highest persons in the XIX century a narrow-gauge railway was built between Borjomi and Bakuriani, and one of the bridges was designed by the famous French engineer Gustave Eifel. Since the Soviet government, and then the elite of modern Georgia, did not ignore the excellent ski resort, the narrow gauge railway still remains in perfect order. It only replaced locomotives with modern electric locomotives.
Not far from Bakuriani there is the picturesque Borjomi gorge and the Borjomi-Kharagauli national park. Bakuriani is a unique climatic and balneological resort. Water from the Bakuriani natural source is mainly used as drinking water. It is recommended for athletes to drink to recuperate. Healing air is Bakuriani itself, surrounded on all sides by coniferous forests of the national park. People come here for treatment with bronchopulmonary diseases.
The location, coniferous groves and the masses of humid air create a unique microclimate in Bakhmaro. The territory of Bakhmaro is a kind of a pit which is surrounded by centuries-old evergreen plants, behind which a beautiful alpine zone begins. From the western part of the gorge reaches the sea breeze. It is the combination of sea and mountain air that makes the climate of the area unique. The average January temperature is -6 ° С, July is 13 ° С, precipitation is about 1,400 mm per year, which makes it favorable for treatment.
Bakhmaro is rather a summer resort, but the Georgian authorities plan to make it year-round. The mountain climate of Bakhmaro is favorable for climatotherapy for diseases of the respiratory organs of a non-tuberculous nature, cardiovascular system, and also for preventive measures in childhood. The uniqueness of Bakhmaro lies in the healing properties of the local air. The resort is located at an altitude of 2020 meters.
The thin air, coniferous forests, which produce useful enzymes, clouds with droplets of sea water, “floating” alongside, contribute to the cure of many diseases of the respiratory system. In addition to the healing air, Bakhmaro is famous for its mineral springs, which are known under the name “Nabeglavi”. This mineral water is used both for the prevention and treatment of the digestive organs and metabolic disorders in the body. The uniqueness of Nabeglavi is that this water can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for daily use, which creates a preventive effect.
The most important natural healing factor of the Borjomi resort is its famous carbonated mineral water. Instead of the natural outcrops of mineral water, which have been known since ancient times, boreholes are used, from which water comes from self-discharging. Former sources located in the Central Section were replenished with new sources of the Likansky and Vashlovani – Kvibissky sections of the field.
In the Borjomi resort, there are 10 captive wells, the total daily flow rate of which ranges from 700–800 thousand to 1 million liters. Mineral waters are used in Borjomi sanatorium-resort institutions primarily for drinking cure, and also in non-resort conditions as medical-table water (bottled under the name “Borjomi”). Annual bottling of about 400 million bottles; part of them is exported. In addition to climatotherapy and balneotherapy, hydrotherapy, electro-phototherapy, physical therapy, mud therapy, etc. are used.
Balneological procedures are prescribed for diseases: Gynecological – parametritis, metritis, resorption periods of secretions during inflammatory processes. Diseases of the digestive system – in the chronic stage dyspepsia and gastralogy, constipation, liver disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, increased acidity of the stomach, accumulation of gas in the intestine, the initial period of cirrhosis, paroxysmal pain in the liver. Kidney and urinary tract diseases – cystitis, chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, pyelitis, in the presence of salts and stones. Diseases of the nervous system – nervous breakdowns, nervousness, epilepsy, hysteria, neuralgia. Metabolic disorders – obesity, anorexia, gout, arthritis and diabetes.
Lebarde – climatic spa resort. Located in the valley of the river. Tekhuri (right tributary Rioni), in the spurs of the Greater Caucasus, at a height of 1600 m. On the slopes – mainly coniferous forests (spruce, pine, fir). The healing properties of iron-containing mineral waters, whose sources are located in a century-old pine forest, help in the treatment of disorders of the respiratory and digestive system. Here on the surface of the earth are poured several sources of mineral water such as Narzan.
At 4 kilometers from the resort, the Lebarde River merges with the Tekhuri River. Tekhuri originates at an altitude of 2400 m on the southern slope of the Egris ridge, at the top of Tehurishdudi. The banks of the river are distinguished by an abundance of beautiful canyons and pits, which is the best condition for lovers of extreme rowing. Natural healing factors: The climate is subtropical humid. Winters are mild; steady snow cover is maintained from November to May; average temperature – 4 ° С. Summer is moderately warm; average temperature 15 ° С.
Precipitations are about 2000 mm per year, mainly in April – October. The mild climate favors climatotherapy for respiratory diseases (non-tuberculosis), as well as climate prophylaxis. Along with the climate, the resort resources of Latvia are carbon dioxide bicarbonate calcium sodium and sodium calcium (with iron content) water min. sources located in the valley of the river. Tekhuri (daily flow rate of 20 thousand liters). Mineral waters are effective for drinking cure for diseases of the digestive system.
Likani – mountain climate resort, 20 km from Borjomi. Included in the Borjomi-Bakurian group of resorts. Located on the northern slope of the Trialetsky ridge of the Lesser Caucasus, at an altitude of 1350 m, on a plateau covered with dense coniferous forests (spruce, pine, fir). The climate is characterized by moderately mild, snowy winters (average temperature — 4 ° C; steady snow cover lasts about 4 months), moderately warm summer (average temperature 16 ° C). 800 mm of precipitation per year. Relative humidity in the summer is 65 – 70% (in winter up to 85%). Winds prevail at speeds up to 1.5 m / s. The number of sunshine hours is about 2,200 a year.
Among the resorts of Borjomi-Bakurian group Likani is one of the sunniest. The abundance of solar radiation creates sufficient thermal comfort even in the winter and allows for heliotherapy in almost any season. The favorable climate is the main natural healing factor of the resort. It is used for climatotherapy for various (mainly active) forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Along with the climate, resort resources of Likani are also mineral waters, the numerous natural outlets of which are found in the valley of the r. Borjomula (tributary of the Kura).
According to the composition of water, carbonate-sodium bicarbonate-chloride calcium carbonate with a salinity of 3.5 – 4.5 g / l is referred to. They also contain up to 150 mg / l of silicic acid and in small quantities other substances (arsenic and phosphorus compounds). Daily debit sources of St. 20 thousand l. Mineral water is used at the resort for the treatment of associated diseases of the digestive system. The resort was founded in 1927. There is a tuberculosis sanatorium (250 beds). Interesting trips to other resorts of Borjomi-Bakurian group are interesting for holidaymakers.
Lugela is a mineral water where consistency of chloride and calcium reaches 9,5%. Water is transparent, odorless, has a bit hot taste; due to high mineralization it is preserved for a long time while bottling does not need input of carbon dioxide, it does not freeze up to -25 degrees. If drinking other mineral waters is recommended 6-8 times per day, Lugela should be taken only 3 times per day with prescription of a doctor.
Scientific study of Lugela waters started in the 20-ies of the XX century. Unique therapeutic qualities of this water were acknowledged there and then, and it was proved that its use in medicine was possible instead of 10% calcium-chloride solution. In 1947 bottling of water started for pharmacies, besides, after the Second World War country was short of medications. Later on this water was also used in cosmetology. Therapeutic dental cream Lugela is produced from this water
Types of therapy: mineral water drinking Diseases for treatment: parathyroid gland, respiratory organs and lymphatic gland functional deficiency, tuberculosis, deficiency of blood-clotting, hemorrhage diathesis, skin and gynecological inflammatory diseases, calcium deficiency in the body.
Manglisi is a mountain climate resort. Included in the Tbilisi group of resorts. Located at an altitude of 1200 m, on a picturesque plateau, adjacent to the gorge of the mountain river. Algeti (tributary of the Kura). The vegetation is represented by both coniferous (mainly pine) and deciduous (oak, beech, hornbeam) forests, as well as steppe species. In the center of Manglisi is a pine grove, near which the main resort facilities are concentrated. The climate is characterized by moderately mild, snowy winters. The average temperature is 2 ° C; snow cover is low, withheld from con. December to early. Martha. Summer is moderately dry, warm; The average temperature is 18 ° C.
In comparison with Tbilisi, Manglisi is characterized by lower temperatures (especially in summer). Here, as a rule, there is no strong heat. The frost-free period lasts about 190 days. About 700 mm of precipitation per year, mainly in April – October, maximum – in May. The average humidity is 72%. The number of sunshine hours is 2200 per year. Strong winds usually do not occur, moderate mountain-valley winds predominate, providing natural ventilation. The air in Manglisi is exceptionally pure and transparent, saturated with pine aroma.
The mild climate is used for climatotherapy (the most favorable time is summer and autumn). The resort provides treatment of patients with respiratory diseases (including tuberculosis and bronchial asthma). Manglisi – one of the oldest cities in Georgia; here preserved cathedral 5 – 11 centuries. Tourists and tourists are interested in walks to the ruins of the medieval fortress Kldekaristsikhe (12th – 13th centuries), as well as a trip to Tbilisi.
Menji – means sour water. Located in the municipality of Senaki, the resort is famous for its mineral waters, which is probably why it is called that. Although the people gave him another name – “the grave of crutches”, meaning the miraculous power of this healing water.
The development of the therapeutic potential of this resort began in the 30s of the XX century. Already in 1940, 10,000 tourists arrived here. From the point of view of specialists, as a result of drilling, it is possible to obtain high-temperature water here. However, this potential has not yet been used.
Natural therapeutic factors: methane, sulfide, silicon, sodium chloride mineral waters with a total mineralization of 6.0-14.0 g / dm3; nitrogen, sulfide, sodium chloride mineral waters, with a total mineralization of 5.2-7.4 g / dm3. The temperature of these waters is 270C. Types of treatment: mineral water baths. Therapeutic indicators: diseases of the osteo-articular, peripheral-nervous, cardiovascular systems, gynecological diseases.
According to popular legend, the use of the waters of Nunisi for medicinal purposes began a long time ago, in the first half of the 9th century. Nunisi is located on the territory of Borjomi-Kharagauli park. Height from sea level – 800 m. The resort is famous for the beautiful nature and warm, sulfuric, healing springs. A significant part of the territory is covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. Mountain air and warm medicinal mineral water (27-28 ° C) create all conditions for rest and treatment. The resort is located on the territory of the Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park. The resort has an elite, modern sanatorium, in which everyone can not only relax, but also undergo a course of treatment.
Special course for women – rejuvenation. Types of diseases – rheumatological arthritis, neurological, allergies, dermatology (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, psoriatic arthritis), urological, gynecological. Health programs aimed at cleansing and healing the body, relieving fatigue, improving mental and physical performance, normalizing liver function (including relieving the effects of alcohol and drugs), maintaining the functions of the cardiovascular system, normalizing the state of the gastrointestinal tract, replenishing vitamin and mineral status, weight correction, normalization of sleep, improving immunity, maintaining the functional characteristics of the male body.
Sairme resort is located in the Imereti region, it belongs to the Bagdati municipality. It is located 27 km south-west of the district center. The Sairme mineral water field is located in the gorge of the Khanistskali river, at an altitude of 880-1000 meters above sea level. The average annual temperature here is + 8.5 ° C. Winter is mild (average temperature in January is -1 ° C), with a small amount of snow. Summer is moderately warm (the average temperature in August is +18 oC).
The relative humidity of the air is within 75% -85%. The land cover of the resort is mainly deciduous tree species (oak, beech, etc.), but coniferous trees are also found. Mineral water “Sairme” belongs to the waters of carbon-bicarbonate-sodium-potassium type. Chemical composition: total mineralization 2.4 – 5.0 g / l, Anions: hydrocarbonates – 1500 – 3000 mg / l. sulphates – more than 100 mg / l Cations: calcium – 200 – 300 mg / l
Waters are used in the treatment of: diseases of the osteo-articular and muscular system – arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, as well as post-traumatic complications; diseases of the digestive system – gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis, colitis; gynecological diseases – vaginitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, childlessness, etc. urological diseases – urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence fullness and as a preventive measure.
Surami is included in the Borjomi-Bakurian group of resorts. It is located at the southern foot of the Likhi (Surami) mountain range (at a height of 760 m), covered with mixed forests (spruce, fir, pine, oak, beech, etc.). The climate is characterized by moderately mild. Winters are mild, almost snowless; The average temperature is 1 ° C. Summer is warm; The average temperature is 20 ° C. The frost-free period lasts about 200 days. Precipitations are about 800 mm per year. The average humidity is 76%, the lowest – in July (55%). Characterized by the abundance of sunny days. The number of sunshine hours is 2300 per year.
The mild climate is used as a natural healing factor for climatotherapy; The most favorable time for its holding is summer and autumn. In addition, the Surami resort resources comprise low-sulphide hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium (mineralization 0.6 g / l) containing up to 68 mg / l of silicon to-you water min. sources; days debit 40 thousand l. Mineral water used for baths.
Patients are treated with diseases of the respiratory system (non-tubercular character), as well as with concomitant diseases of the organs of movement and support and peripheral. nervous system (balneological procedures). Also used physical therapy, physiotherapy. procedures, etc. For tourists and tourists, trips to other resorts of the Borjomi-Bakurian group are interesting. The remains of the medieval Surami fortress (13th century), The Itriti monastery (17th century) remained in the area of the resort.
Skuri mineral waters were discovered by shepherds in 70-80ies of the XIX century. They noticed that live stock often circumvented water of the river and savored spring water.. Peasants on whose land spring water was flowing out deliberately tried to conceal this fact, as they were afraid that nobles would evict them from the plot.
Therapeutic properties of the water still became known to the people later on and Skuri was turned into a famous spa resort. In the course of the years thousands of people underwent rehabilitation treatment here. Water was bottled in the factory producing 5 million bottles of mineral water ‘Skuri’ per year.
Natural treatment factors: low mountain climate and chloride-sulphur calcium-sodium mineral waters with general mineralization — 1,7 g/dm3. Types of therapy: mineral water baths and application (drinking), passive climate therapy. Diseases for treatment: digestion organ diseases, joints and peripheral nervous system disorders, chronic diseases of kidneys, urinary and bile systems.
Ureki is located on the Black Sea coast, 60 kilometers north of Batumi. Ureki’s uniqueness is due to the presence of a natural magnetic field. This extraordinary sand is strongly magnetized (up to 70%), as a result of which it favorably affects the human body and can cure many serious illnesses. Once, this ability of black sands was actively used in medicine and sanatoriums were dynamically opening here.
This miracle of sand appeared here by the centuries-old efforts of two rivers that brought it from the mountains, and two other rivers located at the edges of the village, did not allow the sea to spread it along the whole Black Sea coast. Therefore, you can enjoy the magnetic beach only in the circles of Ureki and it stretches only five kilometers. In August, black sand heats up to 50 degrees. The largest effect of magnetite is observed precisely at 40-45 degrees and above.
Scientific studies have proven the high efficiency of using therapeutic factors of a resort with magnetic sand in the following diseases: Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension stage 1-2, chronic ischemic heart disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy and others; Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatic and infectious polyarthritis in chronic stages, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondropathy; Children’s diseases: (spinal paralysis, rickets, birth injuries and others), chronic urogenital diseases causing infertility, etc.
The most important natural resource of Ujarma is healing water with iodine and bromine, which geologists discovered in 1962 as a result of drilling operations. The hilly area of the resort is covered with deciduous forest. The geographical location determines the dry continental climate, which, together with medicinal waters, give a tangible effect in the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous and cardiovascular systems. Since 1963, the resort “Ujarma” has been functioning at the resort. Two kilometers from the resort in the village of Mukhrovani there is a small salt lake, in which there is healing mud.
Along with the climate, resort resources of Ujarma are thermal (45 – 47 ° C) carbonate-hydrocarbonate-sodium chloride (salinity up to 10 g / l) water, containing means. the amount of methane, as well as biologically active elements (bromine, iodine, etc.). Mineral water is used for baths. The resort is (from May to October) outpatient treatment of patients with diseases of the organs of motion and support, cardiovascular and nervous systems, gynecological. diseases.
On the southern slope of the Tsiv-Gombori range there are two resort places: Zivi Koda (1600 m above sea level) and Gombori (1165 m above sea level). The mountain climate of Tsivi Koda along with a pleasant pine aroma is useful for diseases of the respiratory organs, including tuberculosis. In Gombori there are many tourists who are attracted by deciduous forests, plenty of sunlight and the climate of the lower belt of the middle mountains. Here it is recommended to have a rest for patients suffering from bronchitis, lymphadenitis and secondary anemia. For tourists and tourists, walks around the Ujarma outskirts are interesting, where remains of ancient fortifications of the 1st – 4th centuries remain.
Utsera is a balneological and mountain climatic resort. Located in the valley of the river. Rioni covered with mixed forests (fir, spruce, pine, oak, beech, hornbeam, etc.), at an altitude of 1150 m. The climate is temperate. Winters are moderately mild and snowy; average temperature is about – 5 ° С. Summer is moderately warm; average temperature is about – 17 ° С. Precipitations are about 1,400 mm per year, much of which falls in winter in the form of snow.
Along with the mild climate, the resort resources of Utsera are mineral waters, the healing properties of which have long been known to the local population. In terms of composition, they are carbonic: sodium bicarbonate with a salinity of 5–12 g / l (50 thousand l daily) and calcium bicarbonate (or sodium calcium) with an iron content of 15–17 mg / l and mineralization 1–3 g / l (days. The flow rate of 500 thousand liters). Mineral water is used for drinking treatment and for baths mainly in diseases of the digestive system. In addition, the resort is bottling mineral water type 1 (under the name. “Utsera”). Function sanatorium. Organized outpatient treatment. For tourists and tourists interesting excursions along the gorge of the river. Rioni, through the Mamisoni Pass (altitude 2819 m), located 25 km to Utser, to the neighboring resort of Shovi.
Tsaishi is famous with hyper-thermal mineral waters therapeutic qualities. On the place of one of the springs, in the depth of 5-6 meters, a water pool was discovered which was allegedly used in the age before Christ and was constructed with cut stone. Today 18 Tsaishi mineral springs have been studied. Tsaishi hypo-thermal mineral water (24-26 degrees) has unique contents. It contains big amount of silicon acid.
For such mineral water anti-toxic, anti-septic properties are typical, it arranges metabolism process, improves the state of bone and cartilage and also skin tissues, lowers the risk of developing atherosclerosis. On the spot of water outlet, in 2-3 m depth, ground layer has the color of tar. This is mud belonging to so called spring mud used for various therapeutic procedures.
Natural treatment factors: two-types mineral water – sulfide, chloride, sodium water with free hydrogen sulfide 20-26 mg/dm3, with general mineralization of 3-12,5 g/dm3 (temperature 81-82 degrees centigrade), and nitrogen, silicon, chloride-sulfide-sodium-calcium mineral water with general mineralization of 1,6-2 g/dm3 and 60- 70 mg/dm3 containing silicon acid. Types of therapy: mineral water baths Diseases for treatment: musculoskeletal function disorders, peripheral nervous system, skin and gynecological profile diseases.
Tskhaltubo is located in western Georgia, 12 km from Kutaisi, in the valley of the Tskhaltubo river, surrounded by hills. The healing water Tskhaltubo has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle. This unique gift of nature is not without reason called “Living Water”. The beneficial effect of Tskaltubo water on the human body has been known since ancient times. And today, modern installations give us the opportunity to treat, prevent and improve the tone of the body.
The resort’s unique mineral waters have created great fame. They belong to slightly radonic (1-2.7 nK / l or 3; 7.5 units of Mahe or 40-100 Bq.) Chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulphate, sodium-magnesium-calcium waters. Natural water temperature (+ 33-35 ° C) allows their use without preheating. A unique bathing technique is used in Tsqaltubo (inflow and flow), i.e. fresh water is constantly supplied to the baths and the water in them from the beginning to the end of the procedure is made homogeneous. Tskaltubo mineral water is different in that all ingredients are in it below the lower limit of permissible norms.
The resort revealed another natural curative factor – karst caves, the microclimate of which (in particular, the White Cave microclimate) is successfully used to treat hypertension, asthma and neuroses (currently works on the improvement of the cave). In the balneotherapy resort, under the supervision of highly qualified medical personnel and with the help of thermal baths, hydromassage, physical therapy in the pool and gym, physiotherapy and much more, they seek treatment and prevention of many diseases.