Katskhi Pillar (Region of Imereti)
Pillar of Katskhi (Georgian კაცხის სვეტი) – Natural and historical landmark, the limestone monolith is a rock formation formed by tectonic shifts and erosions. There is also speculation that the pillar separated from the rock millions of years ago or grew naturally out of the ground. Its height is 40-45 meters and its surface is about 150 square meters. Before the advent of Christianity, the Katskhi pillar was revered by the locals as a symbol of the fertility god. Some researchers believe that the Katsi Pillar was originally the abode of Monophysite exiles. After Christianity was declared the state religion, it was permanently separated from the pantheon of pagan deities.
Given that this is the same period in the history of the Christian world when the so-called “pillarization” was widespread, Katskhi is one of the examples of this culture.At the top of the mountain formation is an extraordinary church built between the 6th and 8th centuries, erected on the site of the first, pagan temple. The simple design of the church hall, 3.5 meters high and 4.5 meters wide, made of stone, completely repeats the first destroyed temple. It is possible to climb the pillar using a specially installed iron ladder, although it is not easy as the ladder is steep and leads directly to the pillar rock, which involves some risk. In the past, people could climb the pillar, but nowadays, due to safety regulations, it is forbidden to climb it. The stairs are closed and only local monks can climb the pillar.
Katskhi village (Georgian: სოფელი კაცხი), Chiatura Municipality (Georgian: ჭიათურის მუნიციპალიტეტი)