• 08:00 - 23:00
  • Viber/Whatsapp +(995) 599 25 65 19


Tbilisi – History reflected in architecture

Duration: 4-8 hours

Tour programme Discussed individually

Each city is original and unique in its own way, as it combines many architectural styles that testify to its historical, creative and cultural development. Over the centuries, trends in urban landscape design have changed and improved.

The city of Tbilisi is a unique open-air architectural museum and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The mixture of different architectural styles creates the unique character of the city. Buildings built by famous architects amaze with their uniqueness and elegance.

Like humans, art, including architecture, carries within itself the genetic code of the people who create it. In the architecture of Tbilisi you can read not only beauty, but also the psychology of the townspeople. Tbilisi round courtyards and open balconies indicate that open and honest people lived and live here.

The establishment of a new way of life changed the norms, tastes and needs, which actually relate to architecture. It should be noted that in the process of this evolution, the old and the new not only opposed, but often merged with each other. As a result of this, a unique, “Tbilisi” type of architecture was formed in Tbilisi.

The individuality of Tbilisi architecture is also manifested in the fact that behind the simple external appearance of the building, a completely contrasting, unexpected interior space suddenly opens up. Behind the modest facade there is often hidden a surprisingly large-scale, monumental and complex interior.

During our walking tours (5 different routes) in Tbilisi you will see much more than famous sights. Many things about Tbilisi remain behind the scenes, unknown to the general public. The city keeps many secrets, unique buildings and places that hide different and interesting stories.

Tbilisi labyrinths, “Italian courtyards” and wooden balconies will reveal to you the special flavor of a city with cosmopolitan nature, the mysterious beauty of which is best seen in the details. If you want to travel back in time and travel back in time, just go to one of the courtyards of Old Tbilisi.

The description of each building is accompanied by historical information, the history of construction and reconstruction, and information about the architects. A building is more than just a pile of bricks and building materials

The excursion will reveal to you unknown pages of the past. You will be imbued with the spirit of the past centuries, learn a lot of interesting things about the great people who inhabited this city. The beautiful capital of Georgia has many characteristic and special details. These details make the city a meeting place between old and new, history and modernity.

The price of excursions $ ( US Dollars)                             

From 15 USD 

The price depends on the number of people and varies(±)  from 15 USD  to 25 USD.

Price IncludesService of professional guide.

The cost of each excursion is discussed individually.

For more information, do not hesitate to call or write Viber / WhatsApp +995 599 25 65 19  or in mail: info@georgiavoyage.ge  

*Timetables : on request

*The tour program is based on our experience and the opinions of our completely different clients. These are semi-finished schemes and programs that can be easily reworked.

Each  itinerary and attraction are discussed at the time of the request. In order to protect our work and our rights, the developed exclusive itinerary and reception points are provided only for real buyers.


  • Services of professional guide


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